A review by mybooksandkidsbooks
The School of Mirrors by Eva Stachniak


The School of Mirrors by Eva Stachniak

This story takes place in 18th century France, first is Veronique’s story and then her daughters. Veronique is chosen at 13 to be one of King Louis’ mistresses. She is brought into a world where no one cares about what she thinks or feels and she is taught to always be polite and not to ask questions. Years later her daughter is brought up in a home where no one wants her and then has to face the terror of the French Revolution.

This book was fascinating and terrifying. The sexualization of such young girls gave me the chills, but I do think it was written well and was historically accurate. I really liked Veronique and her story was my favourite. The second half of the book jumped around and a lot more happened. I loved learning more about the French Revolution and how so many different lives were effected.

After seeing some other reviews I have to say I enjoyed this one more than I was expecting to! But I think you definitely have to have an interest in history. The format of the book was different, with giant chapters at the start and then small parts at the end. But that didn’t matter much to me although I did read this book quickly over just a couple days!

Thank you to @doubledayca and @penguinrandomca for sending me this book! It is out on Feb 22nd!

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