A review by azrah786
Love from Mecca to Medina by S.K. Ali


 [This review can also be found on my BLOG]

CW: chronic illness, xenophobia, racism, islamophobia, bullying, vomit, mention of death of parent, grief

Love from A to Z securely fixed itself as my favourite YA contemporary story of all time back when I read it in 2019 and there’s always that nervousness when one of your favourite books of all time gets a sequel.. With Sajidah at the wheel however, there was honestly no need to worry because this follow up is going to hold just as special a place in my heart.

If you’ve read the first book or to be honest any of Sajidah’s previous books then you know they’re not purely romance based and the journey that our dear Adam and Zayneb go through in this book is predominantly a spiritual one.

"...the soul of all goodness, of all faith traditions, the answer to all problems in the world: truly want for others, even others you have no connection to, what you want for yourself."

I was so so excited when it was announced that we were getting another story with them and one about Umrah at that! I personally have not yet had the opportunity of going myself, only having experienced it through other people’s stories and other people’s photos. While this was another rendition of the same it was honestly so wonderful to see and share the Umrah experience through Muslim fictional characters. To hear stories from Islamic history that I learnt about in Madressah be recounted to them as they visited the locations that they took place at. To display the beauty of our religion and the meaning behind pilgrimage for us Muslims to those picking up the book who are not as familiar. This book has made me all the more eager to go on this beautiful journey myself Inshallah one day.

However, whilst Umrah is a part of the story it is not the only part. One of the other reasons that I really loved this book was that is it outside the boundaries of YA. Everyone is always advocating for more New Adult books and this is one that follows diverse characters, follows Muslim characters as they come to terms with more adult life experiences like further study, job security, finances and of course young love and long distance relationships all in a Halal and respectful way. As with Love From A to Z there is also a continuation of nuanced commentary on social matters and discrimination in today’s world as well as living with a chronic illness.

I’m closer to Adam and Zayneb in age now than I was previously and just having that representation makes me so happy and Sajidah also gifted us with cameos from characters from her other books which warmed my heart so much.

"...there was value in moving even if it didn't take you anywhere."

My reason for knocking off half a star however, comes down to some of the romance tropes that were present. I’m not the biggest fan of the miscommunication trope not just because it tends to drive your ship apart needlessly but because it can get extremely tedious. The miscommunication or really lack of communication between Adam and Zayneb in this book got a little frustrating but it did allow for the development and introspection that they needed. What irked me to no end though was a certain other trope or should I say character that slid into the story... I was also forewarned about “hanky-panky” (thanks Sakina) and if I ever have to read that phrase again it will be too soon.

That aside the way everything wrapped up by the end was just so wholesome and I’m once again asking you to pick up Sajidah’s books if you haven’t already if you’re looking for good Muslim rep. That author’s note brought tears to my eyes just as much as the ending of the book did.

Thank you Sajidah for giving us more Adam and Zayneb and thank you for your unapologetically Muslim stories! 🥺💙🧡
Final Rating – 4.5/5 Stars 

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