A review by ayah_reads
The Intimacy Experiment by Rosie Danan


I really should learn to DNF 😭 

This book has a pretty cool premise for a romcom, a plotline that carries itself through the entirety of the novel but the INSTA LOVE JUMPS OUT SO HARD.

I just couldn't with the way these two fell SO unbelievably quickly in love. Insta attraction fine, but in love?? The book literally takes place over the span of like max 2 months, I cannot.

It's well written and I enjoyed parts, but there were other things that irked, like the irony of Naomi running a seminar on modern intimacy when she is so obviously emotionally closed off and unable to be emotionally intimate with people??

Ethan would bust out insecurities that felt like they came out of nowhere and were dropped on us. Only part about this I liked was the internal discussion about what it means for the closet people in your life when your job is literally helping people. As someone who works in the NGO sector I felt that. 

So sure, there were parts I liked, but overall unfortunately whilst there was an interesting premise, the insta love had to come and ruin it. And I saw the insta love like 50 pages in and that should have been my cue to drop the book but alas here we are 😭

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