A review by ris
Heart on Fire by Amanda Bouchet



UGGGGGGGH. This could have been a six book series- WHY WHY WHY AMANDA??? WHY did we rush SO MUCH!!!!! And the worst part?? I RECOMMENDED THIS SERIES TO OTHERS!!! 

I REALLY loved the first book. Like, will-pretend-the-rest-of-the-series-wasn't-so-atrocious levels of love. Bouchet could have spent another year's worth of refining and writing to properly pace these books out instead of the mad dash to the finish line. The characters were enjoyable, the lore and history she OBVIOUSLY spent time learning about were so intricate and exciting, and yet everything- and I mean EVERYTHING- was rushed to the point of an unenjoyable read. 

Also PLEASE do not get me started on dialogue. Sweet baby Jesus in heaven on HIGH, that was some CRINGE shit. 

Also ALSO, for a main character who's supposed to be some badass warrior princess hardened by a megalomanic mother, the Gods sure have to intervene every five seconds and EVERY. SINGLE. BATTLE to save her life. Either Griffin (stupid name) or Beta Team (made me laugh every time) save her (RIP KATO MY MAN DID NOT DESERVE TO GET POOFED OUT OF EXISTENCE) or the Gods intervene to give her a weapon or a power or divine interceding. 

ALSO ALSO ALSO. What the fuck was that ending. Seriously. What was it. THREE (and a half if you count Piers' story, which I don't because it was atrocious and cringe) books were spent prepping to fight the evil mother who ULTIMATELY EARNED FORGIVENESS DESPITE G R O S S COUNTS OF CHILD ABUSE, NEGLECT, AND TORMENT. AND SHE GETS TO BE FORGIVEN??? NO. NO NO NO. THIS MOTHER LOCKED HER CHILDREN IN CAGES. SHE BEAT THEM TO A LITERAL PULP. SHE ORCHESTRATED THE DEATH OF MULTIPLE CHILDREN. NO SHE DOES NOT GET TO BE FORGIVEN. KILL THIS BITCH!!

Anyways. I wrote this to apologize for everyone I recommended this to. I apologize for this gross misjudgment on my part. From now on, it's back to not trusting people on instagram (@thebibilophileblonde, you did this to me with this book AND immortal city!!!!), and reading the ENTIRE series before recommending books. 

Thank you and goodnight.