A review by abide
The Ables by Jeremy Scott


God I wish this book had been written by a good author. The premise of the story is so good as well as the world that was built, but it was done in such a sloppy way. There seemed to be no real research done on how actually people who live with these disabilities live and move around in the world. For instance, a kid who has been blind his whole life is granted the ability to see and can instantly read written words which is not possible because they would look only like symbols to him and he wouldn’t be able to recognize them because he’s never seen them before or learned what they mean. The main groups disabilities seem to be largely ignored unless they’re relevant to the plot which doesn’t take into account the reality of living with a disability. Beyond that the writing is lack-luster, there are large portions of exposition dumps through dialogue and the dialogue doesn’t seem natural for 12 year old boys for the most part. Also the villains motivations are very hard to pin down and come across as “he’s the villain because it had to be something shocking” without showing any reasoning behind it. I’m not disappointed I read it, I just wish it had been written by someone who knew a little more about what they were doing and also had an editor.