A review by curiosityboughtthebook
Partum by EV Knight


Also reviewed on www.curiosityboughtthebook.com

A 5 Skull read:

I had the honor of reading Partum early, thanks to the author Ev Knight. I didn’t really know what to expect getting into this short novella, as I’ve never read anything by this author. I’m also not too big on alien horror in general, but something really intrigued me about the synopsis.
I’m so glad I did give it a chance, because it’s such an amazingly creepy and messed up story! Not only is it filled with emotion and grief, but also with lots of gore and spine tingling horror.
What starts out as a pretty mellow, yet really interesting story, escalates into full blown insanity pretty quickly. I highly recommend reading this novella once it releases, and just diving right into it. It’s a fast, yet excellent read.

Thanks to the author for the arc.