A review by jenbsbooks
Delirium Stories: Hana, Annabel, and Raven by Lauren Oliver


If you glance through my reviews, you'll see I'm NOT a big fan of these "bitty books" (novellas). I think I enjoyed these a little more than most, perhaps because they were bound together in an actual "book" and it made it feel more like an actual book.

I glanced back and I read both Delirium and Pandemonium in March ... it feels like a bit longer (maybe because I have read quite a few books since then). I actually found myself struggling a bit to remember some stuff from the actual books.

HANA: I usually LOVE seeing the same scenes from a different POV (in Lois Lowrey's SON, I loved being back in "The Giver"). Here, I didn't quite get into Hana's story. It did feel like the same stuff we already knew ... except for the very last line. Who knew?

ANNABEL: We heard a little about Lena's mom's background in the books, but this short really made her more into an actual person, not just a memory. It shifted between "now" and "then" as Pandemonium did. I didn't mind it as much here as I did in the book. I quite liked this novella.

RAVEN: Like with Annabel, we know some of Raven's past, but this novella really makes her real, and does give additional background to help the reader connect and understand her better. There was a revelation here, and I wonder how it will come to play in the final book.

Speaking of the final book, there is a "peek" at Requiem. Now, I've decided I personally don't care for "peeks" at upcoming books (I know some people live for them). When I get the actual book, I'm going to start at the beginning, and if I've read a "peek" I have this weird deja vu moment of "haven't I read this before?" (yes, yes you have). I'll just wait.

When I got this anthology from the library, it wasn't totally calling my name. I read a couple other books until I realized that my hold on Requiem was coming shortly, and the due date for this was fast approaching. It was a quick read and I did enjoy it and it got me excited to read Requiem. I actual have it right now, but in physical format ... if I'm patient (a few more weeks), I could read it in digital. I'm thinking I will wait. I prefer digital.