A review by beckyrendon
Pitch Dark by A.M. Wilson, Alex Grayson


Holy Darkness Batman!!!

I am not even sure how to explain my joy over this book. I know that those have read it are looking at me like I have seven heads. Joy?!?!?!
Let me explain. This book is not for the faint hearted. It had triggers and very uncomfortable situations. It has a being so evil it makes your skin crawl. You will be tempted to back away but it will torture your soul to not know. You will NEED to know. You may drive yourself crazy spouting theories, suspects, and plot twists. You are wrong. Or at least I was...until 30 seconds before the reveal.

Go with your gut but honestly don't eat while reading. I almost lost it at least twice. It's so well written and I may be too empathetic because I could feel/experience certain situations and it is not pleasant.

I may not have ever read A.M. Wilson prior but Alex Grayson is a must read for me. This book was a definite must. Hold strong and you will be rewarded. Life isn't all unicorns and rainbows but sometimes you get exactly what you wish for...

Revenge. In my case, I wish for an epic revenge. I know I will get it.

There are some very emotional parts in this book (synonymous with Alex Grayson) while I recommend a tissue or two handy- long sleeves will work too. I experienced some dirty in my eye or something definitely at the fault of the authors. I have so many quotes I would love to share but they give away too much of the story. So I will leave you with one that caused eye leakage and some sniffling.... "...as if she’s the most precious thing in the world. To me, she is, and she always will be."

Niko never forgot her. He formed his entire being around her. She was and is his North. He just has to find her. Or grieve her. Niko isn't prepared for one and prays for the other. Too bad we can't all get what we want.

Just know that this book may be disturbing but it will give you peace- eventually. Not what you want or expect, but comfort and sighs are guaranteed.

reviewed for Naughty Book Blog