A review by yungokssss
The Jane Austen Handbook: A Sensible Yet Elegant Guide to Her World by Margaret C. Sullivan


Aww what a cute book! <3

I thought it was awesome how Sullivan gave a little sarcastic twist on things sometimes. For example: In Sense and Sensibility, (whoever is familiar with it), Lucy Steele was secretly engaged to Edward Ferrars. In a chapter in her book titled "How to Carry On a Secret Engagement", the author writes from Lucy's point of view on how to do things. So, it was very amusing when "Lucy" was narrating about how to chase off "poachers" or "fix his little red wagon" because we knew it was silly what she was doing, but Sullivan wrote in a light that sorta made fun of the characters.

Also, I really enjoyed the "special features". At the end of the book, there was a listing of all of Jane Austen's movies, and I loooooved wasting my time watching all those romantics. :3