A review by trudyd
Spiked by Love by Toni Aleo


Today was a wonderful reunion day with characters from the Assassins and the Bellevue Bullies. Oh, how I have missed you all. There is just something about Toni Aleo's writing that makes me feel like the characters are friends and family. I have welcomed them into my home and never want to let them go.

Spiked by Love is Asher and Ally's story. They have yet to accept what everyone else knows--they are deeply in love and meant to be forever. Denial was easier when Asher was in California and living with Jasmine. Now he is home and she is no longer by his side. Will Ally finally be at his side??

Spiked by Love voices what many young people question. Spiked by Love examines the question of males and females as best friends. Spiked by Love shows how we might think families are up in our business but they actually do have your best interests at heart. All the characters have to do is take the step but then what?

Spiked by Love is a journey though all the emotions. I laughed--pirate jokes are the best. I cried--sometimes bad things happen. I celebrated---because love needs to be celebrated. Buy the book and escape the terrible things that are happening in the world and fall in love with the characters created by Toni Aleo.