A review by sade
City of Miracles by Robert Jackson Bennett


Stay with me please. I'm about to launch into what might probably be a 'long winded, not much is being said, where exactly is the structure in this review' almost ever bookish person goes through when they have to talk about a book they love... can't be past tense because i am going to be forever in love with this series....with this book.

"Close your eyes, i'll be here in the Morning"

In City of Miracles, we finally circle back to beloved larger than life character Sigrud Harkvaldsson, except life has done a real number on him. Sigrud is even more human here, struggling with guilt, anger, regret a whole cocktail of them. If Sigrud lived in this age, he definitely would have been a candidate for serious theraphy just to unpack everything he was feeling. Seeing as feelings were never really his thing, Sigrud opts for what he does best: BLOWING SHIT UP. Really good too. But blowing shit up never really gives you answers. Worst part is, dead people can't talk....Well most of the time anyway.

Going to be honest, i did not expect The Divine Cities Series to pack a punch the way it did. The covers aren't particularly begging you to pick them up and to be honest, I read the title 'City of Stairs' and in my head i was like are these people going to be climbing stairs or what? Abeg. I don't have strength for this, and never looked at it again. Better late than never anyways.

City of Miracles, like its predecessors says, hey, here's a relatively run off the mill fantasy book:
gods acting crazy ✔️
characters who believe they're acting for the greater good? ✔️

But my goodness, I am going to make you feel feelinngs like never before. I don't know how this author did it, but hands to the book gods, all 3 books got me up in my feels. I thought the first couldn't top the first and the 3rd could never possibly top its predecessors but my goodness.