A review by ebees
With a Voice that is Often Still Confused But is Becoming Ever Louder and Clearer by J.R. Hamantaschen


I originally received J. R.'s first book, [b:You Shall Never Know Security|12632143|You Shall Never Know Security|J.R. Hamantaschen|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1327221073l/12632143._SY75_.jpg|17735156], in a Goodreads giveaway and after reviewing and rating it, I decided to read his second book as well!

Unfortunately, this book took me longer to get through than the first one (I think I just needed a break from the horror genre) but picked it up again as soon as I was ready to get back into my horror/weird fiction collection. I'm grateful though, as I thoroughly enjoyed the stories.

Like the first collection, I wouldn't entirely consider this horror, but considering Goodreads' limited genre selection, I understand why it's categorized as so. It's more like "Weird fiction," with stories that are uncomfortable, supernatural, and/or chillingly real, philosophical, and thought-provoking. Just like the first collection of stories, in true J. R. Hamantaschen fashion. While I'm comparing the two, the editing is much better in this one and it's clear that he was more in control of the collection.

There are nine stories in all, but here are the ones which made the most impact on me

Vernichtungsschmerz A sort of IT/Freddy Kreuger monster haunts a group of four girls. There is no happiness here.

The Gulf of Responsibility This one may have been my favorite. A social worker investigates the suspicious behavior of a client. This one had me feeling like I was reading about the author himself.

Soon Enough This Will Essentially Be a True Story Perhaps written for the fans specifically? Sort of made my heartbeat quicken when I received messages on Goodreads... and avoid the Giveaways section a bit.

I’m A Good Person, I Mean Well and I Deserve Better absolutely "weird fiction" worth reading. Reminded me of Jordan, When Are You Going To Settle Down, Get Married And Have Us Some Grandchildren? from "You Shall Never Know Security."