A review by heremireadz
Peaches by Jodi Lynn Anderson


Anderson, Jodi Lynn. Peaches. New York, NY: HarperCollins, 2005.

Peaches is a touching story about the bonds of unlikely friendship. Birdie, Leeda, and Murphey barely know each other at the beginning of spring break, but after a week and later part of a summer together working at a peach orchard, their lives become forever intertwined.

I like the way that Anderson weaves together three young girls' stories. She develops the unique personalities and characteristics of each girl, and expertly brings them together through (despite?) their circumstances. The girls are transparent in their thoughts, impressions and feelings, each judging herself but also the others, and always learning that she's wrong. The story is romantic and it's also smart. Anderson's vocabulary is rich and advanced, yet the story is very accessible for the intended age group. I teared up at the end, which is all you could hope for in a book! I would recommend this book to a young teenage girl in the hopes that she could see herself in one of the protagonists, and thus learn a little something about herself in the process. I, for one, could see my high school self in Birdie. I could relate to her shyness, and reveled in the way that she grew in self-confidence with the help of her new-found friends (although I did not have such an experience as early on in life as she did!).

This book has two sequels: The Secrets of Peaches and Love and Peaches. I look forward to reading them as well!