A review by detailsandtales
Updraft by Fran Wilde


Thoughts after my first read:

The speed at which I read this book says a lot for how well the author did with maintaining suspense throughout most of the story. At the times when the suspense slackened, however, I sometimes felt like I could put down the book and walk away. The world itself was beautifully crafted and unique, and the climax and the build-up toward it was well-done, but there were elements elsewhere in the story that just didn't work for me. Two issues I had: The first was how small the inciting event seemed at the beginning of the story: it was portrayed as if the protagonist made a casual decision to do one little thing that was against the rules... and then it had huge consequences for her. I would have liked to feel the weight of that decision more. The second issue I had was that one character, in particular, seemed to behave inconsistently and with unclear motivations. There were also too many characters who shifted from "good" to "bad" or vice versa too many times throughout the story. That having been said, however, I think that I'll pick up the sequel when it comes out and see where things are headed next.

Thoughts after my second read:

Upon rereading, I have to seriously upgrade my estimation of this book. The pacing felt just fine the second time through, and the combination of science, engineering and magic was just fantastic. Also, the protagonist loses so much - and yet still emerges triumphant.

After the first read, I gave the book three stars. After the second, I want to give it five. But a book should hold up on a first read, so I'm splitting the difference with a four star rating.