A review by madidori
In the Land of Men: A Memoir by Adrienne Miller


This was interesting and not what I expected. I was expecting more discussion of the author’s life and work as the first woman to be literary editor of Esquire. But it seemed more about her relationship with David Foster Wallace.

There was a haughtiness to this work, something she admits as a quality of hers, and that made it hard to get into. It seemed as if she wanted every paragraph to end with some sort of “mic-drop” worthy wisdom that didn’t land for me.

There was also a theme of sexual harassment and assault kind of threaded throughout that I thought deserved more attention.

But it is hard to review memoirs because I feel like I’m passing judgment on someone’s life. Which I totally am but that’s why we read! To learn more about ourselves, in one way or another.

This wasn’t a bad read but it wasn’t a great one other. I would recommend it if your a DFW fan or interested in the literary world.