A review by ctorretta
A Blossom of Bright Light by Suzanne Chazin

The first chapter had a lot of promise and I started by being really curious about the main relationship and what the infant was going to do to their relationship. Sadly, I had to put the book down and when I came back to it, I could not find the allure that I loved so much in that first chapter.

I starts with a couple having relationship issues. But, when you make choices there are consequences. Sadly, not putting the job first created a consequence that made Adele even more upset. This entire first chapter had me on the edge of my seat.

This impact can be felt to the very soul! The writing is tremendous and I wanted to continue reading but sadly other obligations in life took over and had me setting the book aside time and time again. Each time I picked it up I felt less of that initial impact. It was like the life of the story was gone, for me.

As the story progresses I realized that it just was not for me. Reading other Goodreads accounts I see that many, many enjoy this enough to give it fives. The writing is definitely good. Maybe it is the fact that this is a second book and I had not read the first. I did feel a disconnect with so many of the characters. I could not pull forth any empathy even though a lot of serious stuff was going on in this small town.

In short: This is a serious mystery, not your Cat Who type. The flow is quite good but I just felt disconnected. I am sure those that are fans of Suzanne will not feel the same way.

Received from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.