A review by puppy_eyes
In Shade and Shadow by Barb Hendee, J.C. Hendee


I read it too fast to stop and take notes. BUT, I really enjoyed it. There are just some things that are off. Like when you hear 'series 2,' you expect a whole new book, but in the same world. Instead, it's more of a continuation from the other books, only without Magiere and Leesil.

We follow Wynn this time, as she returns to her home town of Calm Seatt, and the story takes a drastic turn. Instead of the action-oriented drive of the previous one, this plot is riddled with politics and more inner politics. Stuck up sages that keep treating her like a child.

That's an interesting part; we're reminded that 'naive Wynn' has grown up now and matured more after the last adventure. It's infuriating to watch how they treat her, when none of the information they have would exist at all without her!

The books are notorious for their jump between point of views, and since we don't have the usual party, we're stuck with Wynn and this officer like character, Rodian. Who is a good guy, and doesn't get enough credit, though the aspect of religion puts a damper on his ambitions.

Everyone in this plotline is shady, and you don't know who to trust. I love this, because when something bad happens, EVERYONE could be a suspect! Without meaning to, it turns into a who-done-it really fast. I found myself claiming 'he did it! I bet it was him!' and it amused the people who've already read it.

I think that if you're expecting a lot of action, you'll be a little bored around the middle of it..and there's hardly any romance if you're looking for it. I WILL say that the book gets better when Chane starts getting involved. I'm just kind of annoyed that the unanswered questions we were left with at the end of the other series continue to be answered a little at a time through this OTHER series.

And yes, there's a dog! But it just makes us miss Chap. :/