A review by chloejen
Storm Front by Jim Butcher


ahahaha yeah no.

before i begin, i need to address the two elephants in the room:
this is one of my first ever one star reviews. ever. i don’t like hating things and typically, i find at least something minor that i like to boost it up a star. this was not the case for this book.
second, harry dresden is your classic modern day misogynist who has somehow duped himself into believing that his “old fashioned ways” make him inherently superior to other men, even when his efforts are clearly unwanted by any and every female character present in the story. congratulations dipshit, you opened the door for her. now please stop making unsolicited remarks about her body. upon meeting a new character with two x chromosomes, he must first take a minimum of half a page to describe her boobs, her butt, and her perfectly applied, not too-garish but totally noticeable, makeup.
i don’t write bad reviews for things. i just don’t but i’m making an exception. this book made me so incredibly uncomfortable that i had to stop reading at points and beyond that, it’s not even that good in the first place. all the men on this app are going to get so incredibly butthurt by that. hey guys - feeling uncomfortable because the main character you heard was a funny, chill wizard detective felt the need to describe the boobs of a corpse is not “being sensitive.” it’s fucking weird. there are so many men in the comments of every review i’ve seen saying, “thanks for saying it’s sexist, i just bought it and now i can’t wait.” respectfully, you’re not funny nor are your comments wanted or cared about. shut up