A review by katyanaish
Lady of Light and Shadows by C.L. Wilson


(Again, no original review, so these notes are from my Dec 2023 re-read.)

I enjoy this series, even as it stresses me out. The stress is just from good storytelling with legitimately scary possibilities looming, and awful things happening to our characters...or scary near-misses (but in a way justified by the story, not gratuitous bullshit).

Ellie is coming into her own, though she's been compelled to be afraid of her magic ... both literally (a weave cast on her as an infant, to hide her magic from the bad guys) and by her adoptive mother (she's a religious zealot asshole who equates all magic with evil). It means the parts where she's wobbly about it are justified, even if they are annoying. But it also means seeing her slowly embrace all that she is is a really gratifying story.

Some heartbreaking stuff happens in this book (hence the stress), so have some kleenex at hand.

Also, in case it isn't obvious from the "religious zealot asshole" comment above, I hate her mother. Nothing justifies what she does, how she acts, or what she brings about. Fuck her.
SpoilerI'm glad she's gone, because there is no way she could have survived that shitshow and been part of Ellie's life without me shitcanning the series. You don't forgive and embrace someone who is so fucking racist and holier-than-thou that they willingly set you up for torture. She's a bitch, and her death trying to help stop the horror she caused is the only fucking thing that wipes that slate clean.
Additionally, fuck the Celierians, across the board. They deserve what's coming, especially with their bitch of a queen doing her best to make things worse.

Anyway, enjoying the re-read of this one.