A review by dianne_aguilera
Into the Storm: Violent Tornadoes, Killer Hurricanes, and Death-Defying Adventures in Extreme Weather by Reed Timmer, Andrew Tilin


I had never heard of Reed Timmer before selecting the audio version of this book from the library (I've never had cable/pay TV so I haven't seen his shows before). I give the book itself 5 stars but I give the audio version 3 stars. While I hadn't heard of Reed Timmer, I'm familiar with the reader/performer of this audio book and I think he is better at reading the Rick Riordan novels that my son listens to than this non-fiction account.

Many documentary books give full accounts of every detail of the subject. I enjoyed that this book doesn't. While it was clear from the book that the majority of storm chases end up as busts and I learned a lot about stormy weather in general, the book really only recounted the harrowing chases, which definitely made it more exciting to read.

I plan to look this guy up online and take a look at his videos.