A review by luffy79
Killer Crust by Chris Cavender


Amazing reading experience, delightfully stunned number one Chris Cavender fan here. This book gets a perfect score, just like its four predecessors. There's more than usual going on in the book and it might just be the best in the series.

We get to learn more about Eleanor Swift and her younger sister Maddy Spencer. The thing is Eleanor is not really a goody two shoes character all of the time. This touch is subtle and don't we know it. Everyone must have noticed most of the nice hints that build the world of Timber Ridge and everyone living in it. The climax is better than any other and I was glad that Maddy gets a taste of the action. I almost forgot about the self defense measure she took in a previous book.

As I said the climactic end is very well written but the rest of the book match it. It was fun being introduced to a larger cast of suspects - of the murder of a pizza magnate - and I kept reading on waiting to see how the list would be whittled down to a select few. The location for this drama is an ultra fine hotel and restaurant which sets the stage for some welcome pizza pie making competition and some amateur sleuthing as well. There are people who are nice and others who are not as nice,and it was a treat to read who did what and who might be lying. Eleanor is in this competition and she is getting support from her newish boyfriend, while Maddy's beau Bob is also there. Things are moving nicely because this book mentions only thrice or thereabouts of Joe, the dead husband of Eleanor.

I knew before reading that this book might be a surefire bet for 5 stars and I tried to tone down my expectations and the fact that they were surpassed is wonderful. There is little waffling and rambling - unlike this gushing review! - and those who are fans of this series know what I'm talking about when I say that the economy of words for descriptions make up the sleek silhouette of the book's narrative.

Now a word to those who wonder if they are going to like it. If world building is what you're after then this is not a book for you. If you're into exotic locales and feisty lovemaking then that too is not what this book's about. This book is all about pacing and moodiness and warmth and complicity and a dash of old time mystery. I simply cannot emphasize how rare the page turning quality is. I've read many books recently and this one is the one. I feel just like a Star Wars fan would feel if the prequel trilogy was as good as Empire Strikes Back. Chris Cavender, don't you dare to put a foot wrong. But there simply must be a sixth book and more beyond that too.

I didn't get to nail the guilty this time, unlike the previous three times in the Eleanor Swift series. The guilty one is a male this time and to tell you the truth I was a bit lost in the crowd and who had what alibi. It was great to see Gina in a new setting and I hope she gets an appearance in the next installation. Kevin Hurley, the sheriff, no Chief of Timber Ridge, is slightly less dull but also less threatening. I liked the good people and appreciated how the baddies were portrayed. This book feels like the author is in full control of every element and has improved on each and put the words together to make a harmonious ensemble. I was tempted to write "this is a wonderful(50 times) book", but that would be childish. In other words, well, you've already read them.