A review by laceykarboski
What You Wish for by Katherine Center


School librarian Samantha is passionate about her job and her school. When the school's vibrant and joyful principal is replaced, everyone is worried that no one can fill his shoes. Enter Duncan, a teacher and (unrequitted crush) from Samantha's past. But he isn't the creative, funloving person that Samantha remembers. What happened to Duncan? Will he ruin the school? How can Samantha stop him? What follows is a story of trauma, grief, and choice. Can you choose joy?

Sam and Duncan were dealing with real issues in their lives. The readers saw them grappling with trauma and illness and everything that goes along with those. I love that Center's characters and their love stories have depth and that her books often tackle real issues instead of just being "fluffy." I especially loved Alice and little Clay.

I don't know if it's because I'm actually a teacher, but I found the first half of this book to be unrealistic. Samantha seemed immature in a way that wasn't logical (what adult moves states just to avoid someone who (she thinks) doesn't even know she exists?) The staff dynamic and conversations between staff members, along with Duncan's behavior upon his arrival just didn't resonate or feel like anything I've ever seen in a school in my career. I understand that the point was to emphasize the school culture and the insensity of Duncan's approach. But it often felt forced and I wasn't able to connect with any of the characters.

The second half of the book was much more enjoyable. I feel like Sam finally found her voice during her and Duncan's "arrangement". Although I predicted the twist, it was revealed well and resonated with the reader. And Clay. Sweet little Clay. That boy broke my heart and put it back together again on that beach. I hope to see a spinoff book in the future! The message of the story was clear: sometimes you have to choose joy. Although I had my qualms with the first half of the book, I felt that joy by the end. 3.5 stars, rounded down. It wasn't my favorite Katherine Center book, but it still delivered on the warm and fuzzies!

Thank you to NetGalley for providing a digital copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.