A review by trebor
The Boy Crisis: Why Our Boys Are Struggling and What We Can Do about It by Warren Farrell


Warren continues his work on trying to understand the male condition and to his credit, he consistently keeps it in a feminist-friendly frame with an eye to extending gender liberation to men. If you have read any of his previous works (As I had with The Myth of Male Power) you will recognize many of the examples and arguments are given but this book comes at them from the frame of parenthood and helping younger men and boys.

He provides good evidenced examples of the differing rates of suicide and disease. Unfortunately, the analysis offered is often somewhat surface level and is punctuated throughout by pseudoscience about plastics byproducts and estrogen, primal wounds (with adoption) and the worst is a ramble around ADHD which while I agree Psychiatry has often fallen short of the Mental Health models we need promoting natural supplements as a treatment is just baffling.

If you are interested in Warrens's work I would much more suggest you read The Myth of Male Power as even though it has its problems its a much more well-rounded book. If you are looking for something from the frame of hetereonormative parenthood and want some practical advice it does offer that but it must be read with a critical eye.