A review by allthatissim
See All the Stars by Kit Frick


Full review on: Flipping Through the Pages

See All the Stars was no less than a movie or a show. I went into reading this without any expectations or pre-knowledge and it totally surprised me. I loved this book.
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-“
“I took the one back to you.

This story is about Ellory, a senior year student, and her life in Junior year. The book is basically written in two parts (not divided into two parts). The first part is about the present life of Ellory in senior year and second part talks about her past as a junior year student. Both the parts are well connected and we get to see the interlinks between past and present and also how Ellory’s past affected her present life decisions.

Ellory’s life in junior year was perfect. She was part of a group of 4 girls along with Ret, Bex, and Jennie. Ret was kind of mastermind of the group and she manipulated everyone as per her wish. I totally get the vibes of Pretty Little Liars here. Remember Alison from that group? Yeah, I resonated Ret with Alison so much. Ellory always felt as if she was favorite of Ret. When Matthias enters into Ellory’s life, her frequency changes with her friends as she wanted to spend more time with her boyfriend. But at that time too, she was closest to Ret and shared every secret to her. But she later finds out that this is not true with Ret, however.
"I wanted only this, the four of us together, but Ret said nothing ever happened, and Ret Johnson was the sun. Hot, bright, at the center of our universe. That we revolved around her was simply a fact."

Kit Frick has perfectly unveiled the events of pasts along with the present day scenes. I really liked the writing style of the author. The author has portrayed many serious topics in this book like parental neglect, unhealthy friendships, drug abuse among others. Making a story with all kind of issues is not always easy but the author has perfectly captured the whole essence of troubled teen lives.

This story is hugely based on characters and no character is perfect. Every one of them is flawed and complex. Ellory is a relatable character who loves art and working with metal and her dream is to get admission in her dream college in an art program. She is an only child with loving, protective parents. When Ret becomes her friend, Ellory is like a blank slate who is willing to be transformed by Ret’s in order to get her total attention. Her decisions were affected by Ret’s perspective. I loved how realistically this friendship was depicted.

Ret has a negligent mother and her life is twisted in its own way. She like to control everyone in their friendship group. Jenni is fond of cooking and always arranges night-out at her place but her parents also were almost out-of-focus. Matthias family was twisted and he never allowed Ellory to enter in his life. Basically, none of the families were portrayed as happy or good and maybe that’s because we get to see so many issues with those teens.

The biggest lesson that this story gives is how to work on hard things and how to fight your fears. You should be capable enough to learn from your own mistakes and should learn to forgive yourself. This story tells how one action of someone can cause the reactions which were never meant to happen in the first place.

The ending of the novel is the biggest point for it. Basically, the ending has two twists. While the first twist was predictable from the mid of the book itself, I never thought about the second twist. It was a total surprise for me and finally was a factor that made me like this book even more.

Though the story was entertaining and suspense was quite good, I felt as if it was little long and was kind of dragged out. I think that sometimes the past was moving too slowly and the book could have been much shorter. Also, the romance was not the strongest point of the story. I never shipped Matthias and Ellory. From the beginning itself, their relationship felt too rushed and forced. Matthias never seems that interested while Ret was trying to prove her importance to him.

Overall, this book is a complex and captivating read which definitely has the potential to keep the readers hooked till the end. The writing of Kit Frick is really good and with the complex and layered characters, she has added a magic to the story. The final twist was definitely worth waiting. This book makes you feel connected to Ellory and her emotions on so many levels. I was really impressed with this story and I hope to read more from [a:Kit Frick|7210822|Kit Frick|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1499480938p2/7210822.jpg] in the future.

** Thank you to the author and McElderry Books for providing me the ARC in exchange for an honets review.

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