A review by kate66
Death Comes as the End by Agatha Christie


A very different Christie. Not just set in Egypt but Ancient Egypt.

The story is that Imhotep (not that one) has left his household to assist with government. On his return he introduces his family (2 sons - Sobek and Yahmose, their wives - Kait and Satipy, a daughter - Renisenb an elderly mother, Esa and a nephew, Ipy (plus family retainers, Hori and Henet) - to his new concubine, Nofret. The addition of Nofret throws the household into chaos. Nofret upsets everyone and its no surprise that the household turns on her.

Of course there have to be murders in a Christie and there's plenty of those but telling you about any of them would ruin the story.

All you need to know is that it's a typically wonderful Christie with lots of misdirection and red herrings. However I've actually learned a thing or two down the line and I'm proud to say that I actually got the perpetrator right first time. I feel appropriately smug.

Read it. It's great.