A review by cris_bookreader
Kakapo Rescue: Saving the World's Strangest Parrot by Sy Montgomery


Assignment: Junior Book Log
Category: Literature Circle 5
Recommending Source: Sibert Medal 2011/Dr. Kimmel
Genre: Informational

Review: When thinking about the creatures of the night, how often does one think about a nine pound bird with cat-like whiskers, soft feathers that smell of honey, the growl of a dog, a boom similar to a bullfrog, and a chime that sounds like a cash register? As odd as it sounds, the flightless bird called kakapo is a real creature which means parrot of the night in the Maori language. They have inhabited New Zealand for thousands of years, but once humans came along and brought with them predators, the kakapo population has drastically decreased. Now facing extinction, the New Zealand National Kakapo Recovery Team keeps the parrots under close watch. They have allowed Sy Montgomery and Nic Bishop an opportunity to document their efforts for 10 days at Codfish Island, a remote island off the southernmost tip of New Zealand.

Kakapo Rescue: Saving the World’s Strangest Parrot is a Sibert award-winning informational book full of stunning, vibrant photography, fascinating descriptions, and a captivating story that revolves around the every day lives of the kakapo. Montgomery creatively intertwines history and science together as the reader follows along with the duo, a small group of scientists, and volunteers as a witness to see the hard work involved in trying to keep this species alive. Included are fast facts, short stories about some of the individual birds, a website providing regular updates on the kakapo recovery program, information to send private donations, a bibliography which assisted in their research, and an index at the end of the book. This book will bring excitement and heartbreak to readers ages nine and older that are interested in nature, birds, endangered species, science, and conservation.