A review by ctgt
Beautiful Sorrows by Mercedes M. Yardley


A tall, thin thing, a modern day Spring-Heeled Jack. His voice, when he spoke, was all lies and promises, sexy and deep, chartreuse and nuance and Lily of the Valley

Whimsical, horrific, fascinating, heartbreaking...what more could you ask for in a collection. You know how there are authors who are able to hit you in just the right spot? Or who are able to look at things from a different perspective....they hold a lens up and then tilt it, just so, and things look askew? That's what Yardley did for me with this collection.

A few highlights for me

Broken-two brutal lines

Black Mary-horrible subject matter made worse when I read what the author was going through in her personal life at the time.

The Boy Who Hangs The Stars-a girl meets a boy with holes in his hands

Untied-a boy(and tie) meets girl story unlike any you've ever read.

Music To Jump By-It was like watching his soul slip away, and not being able to do anything about it. A soul is a soft, indefinable thing, but the feeling of it sliding through your fingertips is unmistakable.

Stars-heartbreaking story of a man and a star.

She Called Him Sky-another touching boy meets girl story She took the boy home, gave him a bath, and gave him a name. She called him Sky because he always looked so sad, like the stars look sad. She thought of how the moon was always alone, never invited to tea, an eerily beautiful voyeur. Sky was just the right name.

Great collection, highly recommended.
