A review by geekwayne
The Escape Manual for Introverts by Katie Vaz


'The Escape Manual for Introverts' by Katie Vaz is an ebook filled with strategies for introverts in different social situations.

The book is broken up in sections based on the proximity of relationships to the reader, starting with friends and relatives and moving to strangers. A variety of possibly uncomfortable social situations are then presented, like a trivia night or a dinner party. Then the reader is given a series of excuses, some which seem plausible and some which seem pretty thin (but are funny).

It reads pretty quickly. It seems that most introverts have their own coping skills. I know I do. Maybe the book is supposed to be funny in pointing out how lame my excuses sound. It's amusing.

I received a review copy of this ebook from Andrews McMeel Publishing and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this ebook.