A review by candidceillie
Honor and Desire by Rebel Carter


If you read my reviews of the first two books in the Gold Sky series, you’ll know I’m a fan of the books about the Wilkes-Barnes family. Honor and Desire was no different.

For as long as anyone can remember Seylah Wickes-Barnes has been at the side of August Leclaire, her best friend and the boy her fathers took under their wing.

Honor and Desire CoverNow a grown woman and looking for love, Seylah’s deepest regret, and secret, is quickly coming to surface: She has been in love with August for as long as she can remember.

For years she has been content in her role as secretary to the Sheriff’s department in Gold Sky, Montana. Mostly for the opportunity to be around the men of her family, and the one who still owns her heart. But there is no denying that the woman behind the desk is far more suited to wielding a gun and keeping the peace. If only she could convince her fathers to see her in a new light, as a person worthy of a deputy’s badge.

Determined to put her past behind her, Seylah gives her attentions to a handsome new arrival. One who sweeps Seylah off her feet-quite literally. Things are almost perfect until August suddenly declares his intent to court her. Can she trust that August’s affections are true and not inspired by jealousy?

Amongst gun fights and forbidden kisses, childhood friendships mature into a love built on forever and intimate desire in this tale of friends-to-prickly-allies-to-lovers romance. (Goodreads)

I received an eARC of Honor and Desire from the author in exchange for an honest review.
Honor and Desire wasn’t my favorite of the books so far, but it was a great addition to the Gold Sky series that led us into the stories of the next generation.

You can read my full review here!