A review by bhnmt61
Wayward Son by Rainbow Rowell


Book Two of the Simon and Baz trilogy. Simon gave up all his magic at the end of the first book, and he can’t figure out how to be without it. Penelope has had enough of his depression, so she decides the three of them are going to America. They can visit her boyfriend Micah in Chicago and check on their friend Agatha in San Diego.

There are so many things to not like about this book. Are we just ignoring all the things they stole, the property they destroyed, the hotel rooms they broke into, the carjacking? Baz draining cats? And why the heck were they in the US anyway? I mean, I know the reasons given in the book, but as an authorial choice for the series, it just doesn’t make much sense. (Anyone else a Richard Jury fan? I never read another after he spent a book in New Mexico.) And the totally lame non-ending. C’mon.

Normally any one of those things would have been enough to turn me off a book, but for some reason I ended up really enjoying this. I’m still not sure how Rowell did that. I guess you just don’t take it seriously. It helps that I love these three characters, and especially Simon and Baz. And some of the Brits-in-America humor was, uh, spot on (even though Rowell is from Nebraska). To my surprise, I’m looking forward to the next one.