A review by melanysocorro
Lucky Bounce by Cait Nary


Lucky Bounce was a lighthearted, tender read about an elementary school teacher and his budding relationship with his favorite hockey player.

If you're looking for any kind of angst or a structured plot, this is not it. Lucky Bounce is 100% in the "vibes over plot" category, be warned. Usually, if the vibes prove to be immaculate, I can get down with a single-character POV that leans hard into a stream-of-consciousness writing style. And to be honest, I was enthralled by the first 60% of the book. I love a relationship that develops from weirdly coincidental, semi-embarrassing roots.

Plus, Spencer bodying a player into the glass just because Zeke told him to, brought on a visceral reaction.

After the first 60%, I got progressively more disengaged. Issues between the characters seem to gloss themselves over. The same goes for Zeke's internal turmoil which dissolved the second Spencer looked his way. I wish we saw Spencer's supposed moodiness in more than just him saying "whatever" every time he spoke. The ending was rather abrupt but it came after a couple chapters of aimless wandering so I can forgive it.

I think these tidbits can be looked over, especially considering it's meant to be a lighthearted read (and it definitely is). I would put this novel next to Rachel Reid's Time to Shine because it's undeniably a warm, light, holiday read.