A review by casparb
Beyond Good and Evil by Friedrich Nietzsche


I preferred this to Zarathustra as a philosophical text, but I think that a lot of the problems with that book are carried over - prepare eyeballs for rolling whenever Nietzsche decides it's time to share what he thinks women think.

Again - there is erudition! I love the discussion of scepticism as a pacifier, and the deconstruction of barriers between philosophy and literature (in particular, Nietzsche's cattiness about the personal motivations of other philosophers). The text absolutely has its moments of brilliance.

But it's all rather let down, not only by Nietzsche's bizarrely unreflective misogyny, but also by the new concern with what he sees as the recent 'decline of Europe'. Much of the reading experience is uncomfortable, to say the least.

I'm in need of a palate cleanser, and thankfully I don't intend to return to him for a good few months at least.