A review by jenafyre
Feel the Heat by Kate Meader


Ok ladies! Put on your aprons and get ready to for a great book. Feel the Heat by Kate Meader is one of the funniest books I have read so far. Let me tell you a little about it.

Liliana DeLuca is a photographer who manages her families Italian Restaurant, takes care of everyone in her family and is generally over looked by everyone. One night she is on her way home from a costume party (dressed as Wonder Woman no less) and she sees the lights on and hears noises coming from the kitchen of her families restaurant. That is when she takes matters into her own hands and smack world renowned chief Jack Kilroy over the head with a frying pan. Her older sister has booked Jack cooking show "Jack of all Trades" to tape there, she also wants Lili to hook up with Jack for a one night stand to help her get over being dumped by her fathers business partner.

Jack Kilroy is on his way to even bigger and better things. He is opening a new restaurant in Chicago, owns other around the world, is writing cook books, has a new cooking show in the works and wants people cooking his recipes on his cookware. He is driven, confident and totally taken by the beautiful woman that Lili is. Jack is done with a quick roll in the hay. He is tired of people only wanting him for his money, his looks and what they think that he can do for their careers. He wants more, and he wants more with Lili.

I really connected with Lili. Growing up as a pudgy kid, I can relate to the teasing and name calling that Lili went though. As an adult, still not a size 10, she is comfortable with who she is, but at times, the taunts of the school yard bullies still haunt her. Lili has a hard time believing that someone as handsome, wonderful and funny as the famous Jack Kilroy could possible be interested in someone like her. What I love the most about Jack is that he NEVER once looked at Lili as anything less that what she is. In his eyes, she is a strong, capable, sensitive, beautiful woman, and he will do anything that he can to protect her and convince her that they are meant to be together, while trying to help her fulfill her dreams of becoming a photographer. I really loved them together as a couple. They just seamed to be two halves of a whole.

Along for the ride is Lili's large, close knit, loud, nosy, meddling Italian family, (I can say this because I married into one!) and Jack's sister Jules. I loved the dynamic with these characters and their families. They will have you crying they are so funny! I loved everything about this book and look forward to the next installment of this wonderful new series. RUN to your computer and download a copy to your eReader! You will be sharing this story with all of your friends it is that good!