A review by theclumsybookworm
Echoes by Maeve Binchy


Anyone who knows me knows that I am in love with the world that Binchy so easily creates. So, they may be surprised that I am only giving "Echoes" a 3 out of 5.

While her setting, cast of characters and storytelling abilities are as top-notch as ever, this book left me strangely unsatisfied. My main issue seems to be one that is "echoed" forgive the pun, by many of my fellow reviewers. Mainly that the love story of Clare and David is not given enough time to develop in comparison with the rest of the book.

I'm all for falling in love fast, but their love just didn't seem real to me for most of their relationship. In my opinion, David, who was stifled by his overbearing parents was drawn to Clare because he knew his mother would disapprove. My suspicions of this are given weight by how easily cheats on her with Caroline, and how little regret he feels.

Clare, did eventually prove to me that she loved David, but only after she burned the pictures and was willing to forgive everything. She certainly is an amazing character with rarely paralleled strength.

However, all that being said, even though I know what the final scene of the two leaving Gerry's funeral together was meant to portray, I still can't shake the feeling that the only reason they were sticking it out is to prove to everyone that they weren't wrong.

I wasn't left with a feeling that love conquers all, but more that stubbornness conquers all. While I love the realism, I still am not as enthralled as I wanted to be.