A review by pewterwolf
Mystery & Mayhem by Katherine Woodfine, Robin Stevens, Julia Golding


Review Taken From The Pewter Wolf

When I first heard of this collection of short stories, I was intrigued. Plus, this was when I actually started planning Murder Month (as in getting books/ebooks/audiobooks at the ready) so when I saw this on NetGalley, I couldn't resist requesting and holding for the best. To my surprise, I was approved (I'm not great at NetGalley books) so I started within a 48 hours of approval.

12 authors. 12 short stories. 12 mysteries to solve. Can you solve the crimes before the detectives do...?

Am going to keep this short as I don't want to go too in-depth as this is a collection of short mystery stories and I didn't make that many notes of these, but this feels perfect for middle-grade (oh, how I dislike this term! No idea why but I do) readers who enjoy reading mysteries.

And as this is a collection of stories, this is a cool way for readers to discover new authors and series (I believe three of these stories are connected to book series, published by Egmont and other publishers).

However, as this is a collection of short stories, this is a mixed bag. Some stories will grab your attention and others won't. It will depend on you and your tastes - some stories will just click with you, while others won't.

This sat in the middle of the road with me. Some of the stories just worked and I devoured, while others I just skimmed. But this is the nature of story collections.