A review by annettebooksofhopeanddreams
Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald - The Original Screenplay by J.K. Rowling


At some point, when the waiting to see the movie lasted a little too long, I was contemplating reading this book before seeing the movie, but I'm very glad I didn't do so and allowed the movie to overwhelm me. I know there has been a lot of contradiction surrounding this movie and the casting. Let me start this review with saying that my very first official introduction to the Harry Potter world was the fantastic beasts movie, which means that I haven't re-read all books a thousand times and for sure haven't read all interviews.

And I think that was part of the reason why I could enjoy this movie, and the script, to the fullest. I wasn't bothered by canon being contradicted or some timeline failures. I'm also very aware that sometimes it just happens and that we have three more movies to go, which means that there might still be a way for everything to make sense in the greater scheme of things.

What I loved about this movie, was the way everything was built up. The first half of the story felt a little all over the place. Where the first movie was a very direct and straight storyline, this one was much more complicated with more points of views and more smaller arcs. The built up was slow at times, although I really loved and appreciated the atmosphere that was created and the way magic is used in such an adult like manner.

But, that built up was totally worth it, if you ask me. The finale of the movie, when all the different storylines came together and all the characters were united in one place, was breathtaking, overwhelming and perfectly delivered. I really loved Grindelwald's speech at the very end, feeling a part of me agreeing with him and believing in what he said. This made Queenie's choice very believable for me. If I had been her, I would have done the same thing and I think it's very powerful that Rowling made one of the core four side with the big bad. No matter how much we want it, it were not just the bad people siding with the side we now know to be wrong.

I have to admit that the storyline of Credence and Nagini felt like it only just started and didn't really play much of a part in this movie, but like I said, there are three more movies to come, so I can't wait to see how that line continues. I also have to admit that I might have fallen in love with Theseus Scamander a little.

What I also fell in love with, is the artwork in the book. The drawings are just breathtaking beautiful and fit the atmosphere so well. I also love how Rowling adds those little hints and all this off screen information in the script. I'm however glad I only read it after seeing the movie, it's way more vivid with the images of the movie still clearly in my mind.

I'm very impatient for the next movie and book! I can't wait to see what's in store for our beloved and less beloved characters.