A review by pjonsson
The Girl Behind The Wall by Michael Anderle, Martha Carr, Judith Berens


This is one of these books where I should really point out that my reviews are non-professional and reflects my personal opinions. I’m sure a lot of people will find this book great but to me…well let’s just say that it was not my cup of tea.

For starters, if you think about reading this book because Michael Anderle has his name on it then maybe you should reconsider. I doubt he did more than write the Author’s Notes at the end.

Second, this is really a young adults book with emphasize on young. Sometimes I quite like young adult novels. This one not so much. It’s really too much teenage giggling, angst and unrealistic story bits. Also, I do not really need several pages of tutoring in how to clean and paint my toenails. Nor do I find giggling teenagers on shopping sprees that interesting.

The story is indeed somewhat ludicrous at times. Like the parts about smuggling her into the US, the ease by which they manage to get papers for her. Even if she gets (fake) papers that’s actually good enough, what about visa? And this 400 year old teenager comes to grip with modern science over the course of a couple of weeks. Etc etc… Even young adult stories ought to have some common sense and realism in them.

The core of the story is not really bad an it’s not really poorly written either. It would have been a lot better, in my opinion, if it would have been somewhat more adult and a little bit less young though.

For me, I think I leave this series to readers who might better appreciate it.