A review by emmabreads
Sadie by Courtney Summers


★★★★☆ - 4 stars

How do you forgive the people who are supposed to protect you? Sometimes I don’t know what I miss more: everything I’ve lost or everything I never had.

i did not expect a lot from this book, but i was very surprised.

it was dark. please read the trigger warnings if you do consider reading this!

this exposed some of the most ugly parts of the world we live in. it’s horrifying knowing what so many people go through.

sadie’s story was absolutely heartbreaking. she grew up in a poor home with only her sister as her guiding light. but when her sister was brutally murdered, (not a spoiler), sadie was absolutely shattered. and it’s plainly obvious from start to finish how desperate she became. it was terrible to read about what she had to endure, and it’s even more terrible to know that her story isn’t just fictional. so many women suffer the same horrors she did.
i truly liked the addition of her having a stutter. sadie had to work twice at hard to prove herself. you should never underestimate a girl like her.

west mccray was also a main character in this book. and while we didn’t learn too much about him personally, he remained a very well-written character throughout. we need more people like him to exist. our justice system, even after all these years, still overlooks cases similar to sadie’s. but west mccray put his all into her case. i definitely respect him as a character. (even after the ending.)

the other characters were also just so sad to read about.

the plot was very info-dumpy at the beginning and i really had to lock in when reading this. if i lost focus for one second, i had to backtrack to make sure i wouldn’t miss a single detail. that’s the thing with mysteries. everything is connected. i felt like if i missed even one small thing, that i’d be lost.
but after finally getting into the book, i was hooked. it was super easy to read with the POVs switching constantly, from sadie’s story to the present day radio broadcast. it was gripping and i was constantly apprehensive about what would happen next.
this book put me through so many emotions. there were parts i was scared, sad, and even angry at the actions of certain characters.
the ending, however, was not at all what i was expecting. i do believe it could’ve ended differently, in a way that was more chilling. but it still left me with so many questions. it’s completely disturbing to start wondering about what happened.

the writing was good and easy to understand. sometimes the metaphors went a little too long or a memory came out of nowhere and mixed up with the present…but overall pretty strong writing.

i would recommend to anyone needing a short thriller/murder-mystery. but be wary of how dark this is!