A review by confusedvonne
Harrow the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir


I am not sure I'll find anything this year to beat this book.
Thoroughly enjoyed the second book in the Locked Tomb series. But man was I confused for a good portion of it. This book switches from second to third person for a good three fourths of it, then it continues in first and third in the last quarter.
Some answers about the locked tomb are answered but then more questions and WTF moments appear soon after... And there was a lot of them. But it was mostly enjoyable.
When it was third person and in the past, I found those moments boring and felt like they dragged on but it all serves a purpose - if you too find these parts boring, push through it will be worth it!

The last few chapters I felt was a mess, I'll need to re-read them as I got lost from all the WTF scenes and mind blowing 'HOLY SHIT IS THIS REALLY HAPPENING' moments that are being sprung all at once!