A review by pagesareportals
Wow, No Thank You. by Samantha Irby


Wow, No Thank You by @bitchesgottaeat
Right around this time last year I picked up “We are never meeting in real life” and it was AMAZING! And it opened my eyes to the wonders of non-fiction essay books. That was the beginning of the pandemic and it was the perfect timing. And here I am again a year later, things have changed but the overwhelming sense of shit’s not getting any better is still looming over my head blocking the very necessary sunlight from reaching me. And again this book was exactly what I needed!

It was a definitely a different vibe focusing more on lifestyle and career and how as you get older and have new experiences the old you doesn’t die off mysteriously....you’re still you but you are forced to re-examine yourself and how you move through the world. Sometimes this is for the better and sometimes for the worst but it’s very necessary! As an adult-kinda-but-doesn’t-feel-like-it, I’m constantly struggling trying to figure out what to do about literally EVERYTHING. ANXIETY IS HIGH Y’ALL!

But the thing I love about this book is that it doesn’t shy away from the fact that it’s totally ok to not know what you’re doing, that that shouldn’t stop your from doing the things you like, and that sometimes you have to do things outside of your comfort zone (even if you feel like you’re gonna die on the inside). Also these books are really fucking funny