A review by billymac1962
Did You Miss Me? by Karen Rose


I gave up on this one after about 20% in and after being exposed to probably the 60th non-essential character. My brain was about to explode keeping track of who was related to who, and it seemed that the only point of this was to pay tribute to other characters in the previous 13 books of the series.
Well, that's all well and good for those who care. I don't, and I guess I can blame myself for jumping into her 14th book without having read her before.

I won't read her again. This book reads like a grade 8 effort and breaks most of the rules Stephen King set out in his On Writing book. Namely, the overuse of adverbs. I'm not kidding here: she must have used an adverb for every descriptor of dialogue (King, btw, says anything other than the word "said" after dialogue is useless and trying too hard. Or he said something to that effect). Anyway, it was really annoying and I had to move on before I came to the word "exclaimed" and broke something.
One fun thing I did with my Kindle is search for the occurrence of the word "frowned". 99 times.
