A review by gerireads
Cartel by Lili St. Germain


4 stars!

My very first Lili St. Germain book, and definitely not my last.

Cartel is the prequel to St.Germain's Gypsy Brothers series. It's about a girl who was given as a payment for his father's debts. It also follows Dornan Ross's rise to power and descent into darkness.

I was a bit nervous starting this book. I don't consider myself a dark reader especially when it comes to my romance, and I'm picky when it comes to my dark reads. Fortunately, I enjoyed this book very much. I enjoyed the writing and got sucked into the world that Lili built.

What made Cartel tick for me was Dornan. And no, I'm not nominating him for the best book boyfriend award. If you've read the Gypsy Brothers series, you'd know how awful this person is. And for those of you who are curious, this wasn't some story about a good guy who became bad.

No. To me, Dornan already has that darkness in him. He tried to tamp it down but working for his sick fuck of a father brought it out of him. I thought that even if he didn't work for his dad, it would have just delayed his descent into madness and not stop it. Why? Well, Dornan is broken. He thinks he has a conscience and some passages show he has some but his sadistic self is king.

But his character was well fleshed out and you can't help but be fascinated by his journey. I have no sympathies for his character but the author did a good job writing his evolution from a gray character into a very dark one.

Now Marianna is another story. She's a bit inconsistent to me to be honest, in her actions and thoughts. I couldn't quite put my finger into it but
I don't understand how she could fall in love with someone like Dornan when he's not even that good to her. He didn't do anything special. In fact, apart from "saving" him from her father, he went out of his way of terrorizing her.
So to me, this wasn't much a case of Stockholm Syndrome but a case of a woman who was attracted to her captor because he's hot.

I did like that Marianna's isn't a
cowering virgin.
And I thought that she also has a bit of darkness in her which made Dornan even more attractive to her. That is the only explanation I could think of.

Other than that, this book captured my attention from beginning to end. And unlike most series these days, this ended on an
HFN. Although, I don't think we'll ever get HEA for Marianna and Dornan, I appreciated how the author ended things in this book. There are loose ends that probably won't be tied up until the end of the series but relationship-wise, it's HFN.

Edit:I haven't read the Gypsy Brothers series yet, but I was told that it might be better to read this one then GB. Either way, I can't wait to sink my reading teeth into GB along with this series.

An ARC was provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.

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