A review by allingoodtime
Just a Little Christmas by Janet Dailey


**I received an ARC of this book courtesy of Net Galley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review**

It’s no secret I don’t like reading a series from the middle. I didn’t realize this book was part of a series when I requested it from Net Galley. Once I realized my gaffe, I did some research and figured it would be okay. Thankfully, I was right. Of course, since I enjoyed this story I will be hunting down the first two of the series so I can read them. But I didn’t NEED to read them to enjoy this tale.

Janet Dailey did a wonderful job of giving the reader the depth of the feelings between Jubal and Ellie without it feeling like any sort of slight to Jubal’s late wife. It’s obvious he loved his wife and was devastated by her death. I didn’t feel as though he harbored feelings for Ellie during his marriage, or even really gave her a lot of thought. Ellie and Jubal had great love for each other as young adults. That love was put aside for other things and they went their separate ways. It was rekindled when they ended up back in each other’s lives.

It was sweet how everyone could see the love Jubal and Ellie have for each other even when they weren’t even sure of their own feelings. I fully understand Jubal’s feelings of weariness when it comes to Ellie, especially since he has a young daughter and her feelings to take into consideration. Ellie’s feelings were a bit more of a mystery to me. She had moved out of her small town and spread her wings already. She enjoyed her life to a certain extent, but it’s obvious she was always missing something. Why would she think it was still the right thing for her to move out of that small town? At least she eventually came to her senses.

This story was really touching and I got the warm-fuzzies a few times throughout. The only other story I’ve read by this author was a short story she had in the compilation Happy is the Bride. I loved that story and it got me to seek out more from her. Well, she’s 2 for 2 so far so that’s great.
