A review by nelljustice
Circle of the Moon by Faith Hunter


This was again a fabulous addition to the Soulwood series. Nell is coming into her own after having a rough few years. She is a strong protagonist and I love how she can manipulate people by using the "church lady" persona. I like Nell because she has a lot of common sense and she uses it. She's relatable. Her magic is of the land and grows like the land would grow.

This book developed more of the PsyLed connections than anything. Occum has moved up in her estimation and I delved into Ricky Bo's past a little more. I have to admit that I do feel sorry for the guy even though he broke Jane Yellowrock's heart. The story also involved some of Jane Yellowrock and alluded to things going on in her world. Things that will be coming up, I'm sure.

I loved this series as soon as I started reading them. Nell is a character that has flaws. She loves with her whole heart but she also has a pretty hot temper. I know I wouldn't want to do wrong by her! This is a total 5 star book.