A review by naomi_marshall_murray
ABC Pride by Louie Stowell, Elly Barnes


This was a fun, bright, and inspiring read.

Perfect for much younger readers, the colourful illustrations and easy to read, short-sentenced definitions allowed for an easy to follow, positive reading experience.

I really appreciated the inclusivity throughout this book - the use of different flags, different abilities and ethnicities created an inclusive read, and painted a beautiful picture of our community.

Each letter of the alphabet includes a Pride themed word and definition, keeping the topics light and fun. (One of my favourites was E is for Equity ... I feel this was a much better option than the expected 'Equality' and is much more inclusive!)

I felt the lack of specified sexuality based terms a very good move within this book - I feel that by not defining attraction beyond 'love' is extremely beneficial to younger readers, keeping it age appropriate (but a shout out to my Aromantics - you've been included in this book under 'L is for Love' too!!)

The discussion points at the end of the book helped to further the conversation and made for great talking points.

Happy 50th Pride, London!

Thank you to DK Books, Louie Stowell and PrideBookTours(Instagram) for the physical copy of this beautiful book - it will live on our shelves and be shared with the young people in our lives for years to come!