A review by egbella
Finding Time: Breathing Space for Women Who Do Too Much by Paula Peisner Coxe


Yet another thrift store find that I thought looked interesting, but I should have checked when it was published. It's from the 90's. And while that might not be a huge deal with some books, this one is very dated now. Half of the time-saving tips were things like, "use your car phone on long drives to call clients", "get a beeper to be more available," and more similar suggestions that were probably helpful at that point in time, but now aren't any use to me personally.

That said, the author did cover some general time-saving, efficiency tips that will probably always work to some extent, such as keeping a to-do list, not signing up for more than you can realistically handle, building times of rest into your schedule, and asking for help. Those are always good reminders.

So back in the day, this was probably a great little book to flip through, as it's not BAD by any means. Just not in its prime anymore, so it didn't help me much.