A review by urlphantomhive
Doctor Who: Heart of Stone by Trevor Baxendale


3.5 Stars

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I still have to watch the last season of Doctor Who, but since I don't have a lot of time I'm coping for the moment with reading these short Doctor Who books. Which also focus on characters that I like better.

The 11th Doctor, Amy and Rory find themselves on a farm where they find some weird moon rock. Definitely something strange is going on.

I really quite liked this one. It was a reading an episode of the series. which always is a good thing. It was a very quick read as well, the story moved fast and there was a nice mystery to solve. The characters from the series were portrayed very well in my opinion. I would certainly pick up other Doctor Who novels by this author.

Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for providing me with a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!