A review by drea_moon974
Dead City by James Ponti


This story follows Molly Bigelow, who is an incredible smart but socially awkward girl, who is excepted into the Metropolitan Institute of Science and Technology (MIST). This school also houses a mysterious group called the Omegas. Molly is recruited into this society and is introduced to the world of the undead (as they prefer to be called, zombies is just insulting). When Molly begins to uncover important information about the Omegas and zombies alike, things start to get dangerous fast!

This is the first book in the series and it is amazing. It took me a little while to get used to the writing style (with all its little asides), but it quickly grew on me and I came to love the quirky comments that Molly would make. The zombies in this book are not all your traditional horror film brand zombies. There are three levels to the zombies and depending on their level the more dangerous or friendly they are. This is what makes this such a great kids book, it gives kids the taste of zombies without it being too scary. That is not to say that there are not scary parts, without some scary parts there would be no action.

This is a fantastic book, I would recommend it to any age, but especially for kids aged 9-12 who want to read things like the "Hunger Games" or "The Maze Runner" but may not yet be able to handle the content or their parents do not want them reading it at their age. This book is a perfect bridger book, that isn't too violent, but gives them a taste of the action that they want.