A review by dreamweavermirar
Paternus: Rise of Gods by Dyrk Ashton


I happened to be going through Mark Lawrence's self published book contest nominees from the last few years to see if any caught my eye, and since both mythology and immortals are some of my favorite things in fantasy (my penchant for those topics may have swayed my rating up a star), I went to check out Paternus. Turns out, I'd actually bought the book a year or two ago- how nice for me!

It also turns out that Paternus is a darn good book; quite well written, despite a somewhat uneven use of flowery language- it's not used all the time, so it's a little jarring when it pops up, but I enjoyed it nonetheless.

If you're a fan of slightly twisted mythology, with plenty of action, do check this out. I'm definitely looking forward to the second book!