A review by krism
The Fall of Berlin 1945 by Antony Beevor


Excellent! Probably the best book I've read this year. First, the author interlaces facts with excerpts from diaries, letters, and legal depositions. I learned and FELT what was happening. No wonder his books have won so many awards. Second, I've not read as much about the war on the eastern front. The book takes you into Hitler's bunker and covers the lasts days of all those were there. While the book focuses on Berlin, there's a lot about the battles leading up to it, the desperation felt on all sides, and why the Germans and Russians despise one another. I learned a lot about Stalin and the millions of his own people he starved, killed, imprisoned, and silenced. I thought about Putin and can see many parallels. I learned more about Poland and Ukraine, both before and after the war, and how it impacts the present day tensions between those countries and Russia. I'll be reading more by Sir Anthony Beevor!